Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Life definitely has a way of taking me by surprise. I never think of it when it's happening, but whenever I look back I can smile at so many things that happen throughout my day. Just the other day I got thrown totally out of wack. What I thought was going to happen..didn't, and how I thought things were going to go..well they didn't. They weren't even bad, just different, and I let that bother I always do. Then later, when things were actually changing, and it was different.. It turned out to be really great. If things went as planned it would've been great too, but that definitely didn't mean that it couldn't be great another way too.

If you're anything like me, I can be pretty ridiculous when it comes to things like this. I love to say "I so don't have to have everything my way!" but when I really sit and think about it...I like when things go my way. I mean who doesn't? But I have a problem with letting that take too much control. I end up getting upset and ruining things in my mind and then feeling stupid for it later. I just automatically think it'll be bad because it wasn't orginially that way. what? lol It'd be way easier if I asses the situation first, before getting upset, say..dude, it's not a big deal, and then I'd never end up feeling bad in any way to begin with! It seems like I truly have a love/hate relationship with this little thing called worry. I always worry that things will turn out bad and not as planned and I worry and worry! I don't like worrying, but when I start, I don't stop myself. Goodness only knows why I do this. It's something I most definitely have to work on. When I worry and think about how things should be I miss how things really are, and often times they are better than how I wanted them to begin with!

Life is...such a gift. Way to precious and beautiful to be wasted worrying, thinking about "would've been" 's and all those other crazy things us humans hang onto. When I sit and think about things that have changed and seem to be bad compared to what they used to be.. I get upset and bothered. But just the other day I looked at it from a different perspective. I looked back at how wonderful things were, and how different they are now, but for the first time I told myself it was okay. I love to talk about how everything happens for a reason and not to worry when it comes to others but I don't even take my own advice. For some weird reason I rule myself out and don't even think it applies to me. But of course it does, and when I actually look at it that's pretty great. I feel happy for all the good times, thankful for the not so great, and excited to see what will happen in the times that come. This gives me a totally different, and way happier, outlook on my life and all of the things i've experienced....

Stop worrying, let go of those things that hurt you, hold onto the things that make you happy, and strive everyday to make life better for not just yourself, but every person you come into contact with.

...And I promise...I'm actually going to take my own advice this time :)


Timmy said...

You are amazing...
And ridiculously encouraging.